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Aide sur la retouche

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Aide sur la retouche Empty Aide sur la retouche

Message  selects Sam 16 Avr - 22:27

Un petit lien qui vous permettra d'optimiser vos retouches http://wowreforge.com

Les principes de ce calculateur sont les suivants :
The basics of the Calculator would include
1. Loading gear set from armory (which includes base stats) or possibly wowhead profile
2. A manual calculator / sandbox showing you each piece of gear, it's reforge-able stats and letting you manually click to reforge and see changes
3. A display of key stats from gear (expertise, hit rating, haste, etc.) and how each reforge changes those totals the more Advanced features would include
4. Optimizer - you put in specific targets for ratings (say 200 expertise, or 446 hit rating) and press "go" to get a list of best options
5. Optimizer - provide EP weights for individual stats and calculator will reforge least desirable stats first to get specific targets on a rating, or maximize desirable ratings
6. Optimizer - Allow user to change gems, enchants, talents and see impact on stat ratings.
7. Optimizer - different EP weights for different levels of rating. (so like for rogue, you could set an EP for hit at below poison cap, above poison cap but below white cap, and above white hit cap)
8. Generate a link to a reforging profile so it can be accessed later.

Sinon y'a celui-ci http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow avec plus d'option

Messages : 53
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2011
Age : 48

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